1. Foreign passport holders who had ever engaged in the jobs specified in items 8 to 10, paragraph 1, article 46 of Employment Services Act or who come from the " designated countries "
(please refer to Procedures for Nationals of the Designated Countries Applying for Visitor Visas to the Republic of China(R.O.C.) )are not eligible for visitor visas for studying Chinese purpose.
2. Foreigners over 18 years old, with a high school diploma or its equivalent are welcomed to join our classes.
Application procedure
Step 1-Confirm the Chinese program you want to register and prepare application materials
Confirm course information、necessary expenses(Tuition and other fees) → Decide the Chinese program → Prepare application materials
▲Application materials for visa for studying Chinese purpose:
Applicants who hold China, Hong Kong, Macao passport are not eligible for visitor visas for studying Chinese purpose.
1. Color ID photo. PS. Jpg format only(1 MB). The recommended size would be 4x6 inch or 600x900dpi.
2. A photocopy of the highest degree
PS. The English or Chinese version of the highest degree document is only acceptable if it is translated by a qualified translator.
If you want to study in Taiwan for an undergraduate or graduate program, we suggest your highest degree document and transcript should be authenticated by a Taiwan Overseas Representative Office, an institute established or appointed by the Executive Yuan, or a private agency commissioned by the Executive Yuan.
3. A bank statement issued within 3 months. At least 3,000 USD or its equivalent in other currencies. The document should be in English and shows the currency. (If you use a family member's financial statement, you should upload a financial guarantee and the guarantor's passport).
4. A photocopy of passport (Your validity period of passport should cover your study in Taiwan. Ideally, your passport should still have at least 6 months of validity.)
5. Medical Examination
I. Proof of positive Measles (Valid in 5 years) and Rubella Antibody or Measles and Rubella Vaccination Certificates (Records are valid as long as the vaccine was given no earlier than 12 months of age.)
We suggest you use the “Health Certificate for Short-Term Students”form authenticated by Taiwan CDC.
If the document is not in English or Chinese, students must upload the English or Chinese translation verified by a Taiwanese Overseas Representative Office to the "Other materials" part of our application system.
If you can't submit the report before arriving in Taiwan, it is acceptable to undergo the examination in the designated institutions.
Please submit proof of positive Measles and Rubella Antibody or Measles and Rubella Vaccination Certificates (alternative) within 14 days of arrival in Taiwan.
II. Chest X‐ray for Tuberculosis Examination 3 months before arriving in Taiwan.
We suggest you use the “Health Certificate for Short-Term Students”form authenticated by Taiwan CDC.
If the document is not in English or Chinese, students must upload the English or Chinese translation verified by a Taiwanese Overseas Representative Office to the "Other materials" part of our application system.
6. Other materials: such as the score reports of the highest degree or the passport of the guarantor which filled on the financial guarantee. If you want to apply for the Huayu Enrichment scholarship, please upload the application form. The recipients must still prepare the tuition, registration fee, books fee, and two monthly living expenses in advance.
*Visa notices for applicants from Vietnam
*According to the rules of Taiwan Ministry of Education, students who have visitor visa for studying Chinese purpose should take at least 15 hours of Chinese classes per week and can't work during six months of their study.
pdf/jpg/png/doc/docx/odt are allowed. Each file size must be lower than 5 MBytes.
▲Application materials for other visas:
1. Color ID photo. PS. Jpg format only(1 MB). The recommended size would be 4x6 inch or 600x900dpi.
2. A photocopy of passport and Alien Resident Certificate(If you have). If the applicant is Taiwanese, he/she should upload Republic of China national identification card or passport instead.
*For applicants have a student, visitor visa, visa-free or ARC, and can finish the Chinese program during the validity of the visa.
pdf/jpg/png/doc/docx/odt are allowed. Each file size must be lower than 5 MBytes.
Step 2-Sign up
Click the "Register" upper right-hand corner of the window and apply for the Chinese program on the application system with the materials according to step 1. If you want to apply for our school dorm, please choose the option on the application system.
Step 3-Review
It takes approximately 2 or 3 weeks for us to process your application.
A supplement might be requested if the review fails.
Please upload the supplement in five working days; otherwise, we will reject your application.
If you have any difficulty with that, please contact us.
▲ Those who need to apply for visa for studying Chinese purpose:
Once your application has been approved, we will notify you by email to complete the payment process of the application fee of NT$500 and registration fee of NT$1,000 within 5 working days.(Please follow the payment way)
After the payment is confirmed, we will email you the admission letter to confirm.
Once approved, your admission letter will be sent to you via E-mail.
*Applicants who successfully obtain the visa only have to pay tuition fees before the registration date. Those who fail to obtain the visa do not need to pay any more fees to apply for another session within the same year. If applicants apply for another year, the application and registration fees will be charged again.
The Language Center provides the electronic admission letter for now.
If ROC embassy requires a paper admission letter, we will send the paper one to the address you filled in on the application system.
* We have the right to ask applicants to submit other materials which are not mentioned on the website,
such as a language proficiency certificate, requesting payment for the tuition fee in advance, etc.
We also have the right to refuse to send the admission notice.
*If you want to defer your admission, please ask us for a deferment letter.
▲ Those who do not need to apply for a Chinese study visa:
We will tell you the results of your applications.
Step 4-Apply for a visa (you can skip it if you do not need to apply for visa for studying Chinese purpose)
Please access the visa application computer system of the Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) to fill out the application form online and print it out.
Submit the documents and pay the visa fee at the nearest ROC embassy, consulate or representative agency to apply for a visitor visa for studying Chinese purpose.
*According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC, as a sovereign nation, the ROC has the right to refuse applications for visas without providing any explanation for such decisions; visa application fee is not refundable.
*You can visit the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs to know more information about visa for studying Chinese purpose.
The duration of stay of visitor visa would be around 60 to 90 days.
The visitor visa for studying Chinese purpose can be extended without leaving Taiwan.
Here is the sample of visitor visa for Studying Chinese Purpose.

1. Visa for Studying Chinese Purpose is visitor visa. Huayu Enrichment Scholarship recipients who have a resident visa for studying Chinese purpose are required to apply for an Alien Resident Certificates (ARC) and re-entry permit within 15 days after arrival.
2. Students must arrive in Taiwan before the date written on the visa.
3. Visitor visa for the purpose of studying Chinese is normally valid for 60 or 90 days.
4. Entries: SINGLE or MULTIPLE
5. Visa number
6. The remark on the visitor visa for the purpose of studying Chinese must be FR-國立彰化師範大學語文中心
Step 5-Fill out the Study confirmation
▲ Those who need to apply for visa for studying Chinese purpose:
Once you got the visa, please contact us.
The language center will inform you to fill out the Study confirmation and upload your photo of visa on the application system after your application has been approved.
The pick-up service, school dormitory confirmation, bedding purchase would be available while filling out the study confirmation.
▲ Those who do not need to apply for a Chinese study visa:
The language center will inform you to fill out the Study confirmation on the application system after your application has been approved.
The pick-up service, school dormitory confirmation, bedding purchase would be available while filling out the study confirmation.
*We have the right to cancel your application if you didn't finish the Study confirmation during the designated period.
Step 6. Register
Please finish your payment and register before the registration date.
We will notify you of another payment method if you can't register on the registration date.
*Please confirm your flight with us before your arrival.
Students should take responsibility once they can’t complete the course with valid visa due to their early arrival.
*Please finish your registration and dorm check-in during the period of service time.
Period |
Service hours |
Academic semesters |
Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM |
Winter and summer vacations |
Monday to Thursday, 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM |
Please visit the website to know the date period of academic semesters, winter and summer vacations and other holidays.
Frequently asked question
You can visit our website of FAQ to know more about the visa issue, or contact the nearest ROC embassy, consulate or representative agency, or the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC, or the website of information for foreigners in Taiwan.
Life Counseling Service Hotline for Foreigners in Taiwan: 0800-024-111
Please confirm the visa regulation before coming to Taiwan.